Creating the right image for you

It's a given. Your visual image makes a major impression on your potential clients, employers, and contacts within seconds. And as so much of our personal and business communication is now on line via our websites, blogs, social media and networking sites, it makes it even more vital to show your personality and profile in the best way possible. Websites such as Hey Saturday even take this a step further and work on your online dating profile (now that's one I'd love to start in Brussels!)..... added bonus - it could be the perfect way for me to meet my future partner on top!

But before I get carried away with the dating concept, I'm bringing myself back to earth and focusing on the personal/business rational behind the image we project. Here, just trawling through your own contacts on LinkedIn or Facebook will show the sharp reality that many choose to ignore, who are YOU and what is it that you are trying to say? I love the idea of getting behind the image and creating the real deal. 5 words to describe yourself is the perfect start to getting the message across about who you are. Check out this link for more details to help you understand how it all works.

This is me, to give you an idea on how it works...


To take this all one step further, I've been working through last year and this, setting up Head Shot events, to bring the photo profile concept to entrepreneurs and start ups in co-working spaces. It's been fun moving into this area as its a great opportunity to meet some really cool people, and get to know them even over a short sharp 10 minute photo shoot. Ask questions, listen, and you begin to capture the personalities and images they want.  Here are some of the shots taken at transforma bxl during their bi-annual events


I've also been helping update website images, and worked with Monica from Nourish & Fête which has been awesome. Along with her son, Henry, and some seriously delicious cup cakes and tea, I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon having fun and taking photographs. Her blog is up and running so take a look at the yummy recipes.....


During 2017 I also had the opportunity to work with Jessica who needed an intense amount of personal visuals to illustrate her financial website. We worked on a full range of locations, using moodboards to illustrate her business and personal persona. Using Chateau de la Hulpe, Abbaye de la Cambre and various doorstep backdrops, we had great fun over two days creating some of my most favourite images to date. This was an intensive session but the results were wonderful! You can see some of the images here on Dream Key Financial

And I finished last year helping Leslie visually profile her teen coach business (more via linked in here)


In 2018, I've worked with an amazing storyteller, Benedicte Rousseau, who has just launched her first book Shaman Express

I'm looking forward to reading it on the beach this summer!

And I also had the chance to work with a new franchise start up In NL and Belgium - World Options, on their profile photos......


And in the last months, with long term best buddy Jules, in her relaunch of Think with Things, powering thinking with everyday objects.



So look no further if you need a visual update on your profile or website, let's talk and find out who you really are.......... just click on the contact me page of my website, or email me at


Some additional reading, and visuals to look at......


the first step to building your personal brand

how to create a strong visual impression

corporate photography - how to brief